Borrowing more than you can afford could seriously affect your financial status. Make sure you can afford your monthly repayments on time. Please spend responsibly. 18+. T&C's apply. Find Out More
Klarna Badge
Credit card icon with 30 day badge
Pay in 30 days
Make your purchase today so you can try before you buy. Only pay for what you keep. Pay up to 30 days later.
Credit card icon with 3 instalments badge
Pay in 3 instalments
Spread the cost of your purchase into 3 interest-free instalments. The first payment is made at point of purchase, with remaining instalments scheduled automatically every 30 days.
Klarna Available at Checkout
After your order is processed, you can log into your Klarna account to view your orders, report returns, make payments, and manage account details.
Don't have a Klarna account?
Frequently asked questions:
Want more information? Visit Klarna’s Customer Service pages to learn more.
Klarna’s Pay in 3 instalments and Pay in 30 days credit agreements are not regulated by the FCA. Use of these and any missed payments may affect your ability to obtain credit from Klarna and other lenders. 18+, UK residents only. Subject to status. T&C Apply.